Price Quotations

If you need a price quotation then please send an e-mail to: You can also contact us by telephone, fax or letter. In the menu Contact, you can read the privacy statement by CASLO according to the GDPR.

The best is if you, in your inquiry, write the peptide sequence(s), but if this is not possible, then as minimum the number of amino acids. Please write the quantity and purity you are interested in, and also if you need any modifications. Please let us know if you need assistance with identifying the correct purity, modification or other details.

You will receive a very competitive price quotation within 24 hours.

Prices are inclusive shipment by express courier and we deliver worldwide. We give money back guarantee (or resynthesis) if you are not satisfied with the product.

Detailed instructions for how to order the product are written in the price quotation. In the price quotation you will also find information about the different type of salt formats that are possible, an approximate delivery time, and information about possibilities for solubility testing. If there are solubility issues, or other things you need to know for handling the peptide, we will do our best to write this when we send the price quotation.